Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Oct 2010)

Koncept razvoja službi logistike / Concept development of logistic services

  • Marko D. Andrejić,
  • Vlada S. Sokolović,
  • Marjan A. Milenkov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 58, no. 4
pp. 37 – 62


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Da bi logističke službe, kao deo sistema odbrane, bile efikasne i efektivne moraju biti kvalitetno organizaciono-tehnološki isprojektovane i kvalitetno vođene. Moraju da imaju dugoročni koncept razvoja sa ugrađenim organizacionim aspektom, jasno izražena težišta i prioritete u funkcionisanju, a takođe i kvalitetno definisane pokazatelje uspešnosti. Neophodno je da prate promene u bližem i daljem okruženju. Takođe, svaki proces koji je u nadležnosti logističkih službi mora biti dobro isprojektovan i upravljiv. Važan uslov za prevođenje logističkih službi iz jednog stanja u drugo jeste posmatranje odbrane i logistike odbrane i Vojske na načelima i logici sistemskog, a povremeno i situacionog pristupa. Polazna osnova za ostvarenje velikog stepena jedinstva unutar sistema logistike jeste definisanje koncepta razvoja službi logistike sa ugrađenim organizacionim aspektom, koji treba da razume i prihvati logistički sistem pri misaonom poimanju i operativnom delovanju. / In order to be efficient and effective, logistic services, as a part of the defence system, has to be designed and organized in a high-quality way. They must have a long-term development concept with built-in organizational aspects, clearly expressed focuses and priorities in the functioning and well-defined indicators of quality performance. In order to reach the required operational capabilities and the desired state of the logistics, it is necessary to achieve a philosophical, intellectual, doctrinal, technical and operational unity within the logistic system and then with the other subsystems of defense, in accordance with the needs of practice, the requirements of modern times and trends. The starting point for achieving a high degree of unity within the Army logistics is the definition of the concept of the development of logistic services with a built-in organizational aspect, as an intellectual conceptual sketch containing the guidelines and recommendations for intellectual thinking, development and operational activities and contributing to the gradual formation of a unified understanding of the logistic system of defense. When considering the directions of the development of logistics services, certain analogy will be applied as in other successful, complex multilevel, organizational and economic systems. The existence of long-term concepts of development, with a built-in organizational aspect, is something that will be asked from competent control and decision-makers. In this paper, certain aspects and segments of the development of the logistics process will be discussed with a high degree of generalization, by relying on authors' experience and research as well as on available sources of knowledge. The aforementioned approach allows for a greater generalalisation of the given views; on the other hand, it can get in strength (the depth and accuracy) if validly operationalised in each logistic service, in each particular element or case. Defense as a function of the state Each and every state has an undisputable right on individual and collective defense. Defense is an important state function for the realization of which the government (legislative, executive and judicial) is responsible. The defense of the state is the general necessity, right and obligation of all defense and security subjects. No one can be exempt from the efforts necessary for successful defense; therefore, all resources (regardless of property) within the state's territory, under certain conditions, become defensive potential and the defense function of the country, according to their nature and needs of the country's defense. Defense logistics Besides the well-trained personnel, the logistic system of a country comprises appropriate legislation, appropriate production and services, equipment, raw materials, energy sources, infrastructure and all other necessary support for the realization of corresponding production, service, social, educational, cultural, defence, etc. programs aiming at the increase of the defence and economic potential of a country. Logistic support system According to the general theory of systems, each system consists of a set of parts that form a functional unit, types of connection and levels of intensity of relationships between parts and the principles (rules) on the basis of which these components are connected into a unity. A logistic support system includes: staff in administrative and executive bodies of logistics, material resources and logistic organs of units; location where components of logistic support are developed, logistic facilities and installations, legal acts and military literature and documentation in the field of logistics support. Global tendencies in the development and operational logistics in the modern system of defense Given that the logistics is a major manufacturer, supplier and distributor of material resources and a large consumer of financial resources, it has to be the area of management attention, both civil and military ones, and of permanent control in the phase of planning, organizing and implementation of logistic activities. This control is primarily related to financial and material operations, quality products and services, logistics solutions and priorities. It is in the area of control that the most of potential disagreement occurs. Understanding the nature and the degree of logistical control systems (skills, good reasoning ability and balanced reasoning) that management should realize is important for achieving the expected efficiency and effectiveness. Aspects and elements of the concept of the logistic service development In defining the concept of the development of logistic services it is necessary to bear in mind the mission of logistic services as a part of the defense system, aims which logistic services should achieve, results to be obtained and tasks to be executed. The missions of individual subsystems supported by logistic services and their functioning in peace, crisis, mobilization and war should be also taken into account. The concept of the development of logistic services should be directed to the logistic system and its interior as well as the elements of the system, but should also respect the environment of the system and its effect on the operational and functional capabilities of logistic services, both existing and considered ones. Conclusion There is a significant necessity and possibility for logistics and logistic services to be developed integrally on the scientific basis both as a skill (practice) and a scientific discipline (theory), in relation with other defence disciplines and subsystems. The necessity to improve logistic aspects of planning and logistic support planning is stressed in particular. It is important to intensify efforts in raising the level of the logistic culture of the users of logistic services. Under the conditions such as insufficient funding, continuous pressures for the reduction of army personnel along with the requests to increase Army operational capability and intensify its involvement in integration processes, it is possible to find a solution in high-quality personnel, equipment, information systems and science-based work organization. However, there are no fast, cheap and efficient solutions in the development and functioning of logistics. A prerequisite for effective and efficient functioning of logistic bodies are normative regulations, staff qualifications, development of adequate infrastructure and logistic infrastructure, a clear definition of needs and procurement of material and financial resources for mission realization. Logistic staff needs to be improved as a whole, taking into account the specific structure of individual personnel members: officers, NCOs, civilians, professional soldiers, soldiers in military service, soldiers under contract, personnel in active reserves. Career officers should be initially as well as subsequently trained at the Military Academy, because that staff proved to be reliable and of high quality. However, since it takes time, a possibility should be considered to occasionally receive a number of high-quality graduate engineers and economists from outside the military and then train them at the Military Academy. Staff for specific logistic services (SnSl, VtSl, GrSl) should only be obtained from the non-military and then trained within the organized defense system. Specialized training of soldiers, NCOs and civilians has to be again under the stronger jurisdiction of logistics in order to meet all specific logistic requirements. Building logistic infrastructure and equipping logistic units with modern means is an important financial issue for even more economically and technically developed countries. However, this should not and cannot be a reason for abandoning designed goals, as logistic activities and tasks are based on technological processes and procedures that must be adequately supported both financially and technically. In addition to working on the modernization of logistics in all areas (technical, technological, organizational), considerable effort should be put into the development and improvement of logistic information systems, into quantification of logistic capabilities, and then into quantification of needs for logistic support in order to shorten the response time.
