Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications ()
Design of Microwave Absorbers using Improvised Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Abstract Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm has been applied in electromagnetics to design microwave absorbers. Generally, microwave absorbers are used for absorbing the electromagnetic radiation caused due to numerous electronic equipments and is being extensively used in stealth technology. The main aim of this paper is to find and analyze the minimized maximum reflection coefficient over a range of frequency and angle of incidence for a fixed number of layers and polarization. An improvised PSO algorithm has been suggested by utilizing a velocity restriction factor that intelligently searches for the optimum solution. The pareto principle with an improvisation in social and cognitive parameters has also been applied. The algorithm succeeded in finding better values of reflection coefficient for the microwave absorber structures comparatively. Based on the pareto principle a form of mutation technique is also used for better convergence. The results have been compared and tabulated for various combinations of the microwave absorber structure and the thickness of each layer is also optimized for a predefined database.