In die Skriflig (Jul 2016)
’n Eksegetiese ondersoek na die leierseienskappe wat Paulus in Filippense 3:1-16 toon
This article is the result of a thesis, submitted in 2015, with the following title: A PastoralTheological Study of Effective and Responsible Leadership of the Afrikaans-Speaking Minister in the Congregation’s Call. The problem investigated regards the fact that leadership in the church is not defined properly and, as a result, no clear guidance exists for ministers on what is expected of them as leaders. This article focuses on Paul as leader of the New Testament church. An exegetical investigation of Philippians 3:1-16 will be conducted to determine what this passage reveals about his strengths as a leader. Keywords: Leierskap, eienskappe, predikante, Paulus, Filippense 3