NURE Investigación (May 2009)
Mothers´ adaptation of children with cerebral paralysis – application of Roy´s model
The cerebral paralysis is a chronic condition, irreversible and incapacitating that limits the performance of the children in the conduct of activities that range from simple movement to interpersonal relationship. Profound changes occur within family like the deferment of dreams and future projects of the family. The objective was to evaluate the adjustment to the situation facing the mother of children with cerebral paralysis, based on the Model of Roy. For this study was designed a prospective, descriptive and qualitative held in the Nucleus and Treatment Early Stimulation of the Complex Hospital, Federal University of Ceará. This study involved thirteen mothers of children with cerebral paralysis. The data were collected by open questions based on the Roy Adaptation Model. The mothers´ speeches showed up themes: Auto concept mode and Performance mode. The most of mothers succeeded the experience the adaptation process, or had positive responses. The negative feelings do not always mean ineffective adapting, as part of the process of adapting to the new situation. We conclude that both children with cerebral paralysis and their mothers need support, since they absorb most of feelings related to the child.