Zhongguo shuxue zazhi (Nov 2023)
Identification of immune hemolytic transfusion reaction and exploration of transfusion compatibility testing
Objective To analyze the causes of immune hemolytic transfusion reaction in one case, identify related antibodies, and explore transfusion compatibility testing. Methods ABO/Rh blood group identification, unexpected antibody identification of serum and diffusion fluid, direct antiglobulin test(DAT) and cross matching were conducted by saline method and/or microcolumn gel method. Results The patient′s blood group was O, and Rh phenotype was identified as DCCee. The DAT was negative, with strong anti-E antibody and weak anti-c antibody detected. Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction occurred in the patient after the last transfusion. Conclusion Currently, immune hemolytic transfusion reaction in China are mainly caused by Rh blood group system antibodies. The absence of unexpected antibody screening before blood transfusion and the weak anti-c antibody which resulted in missed detection of non compatibility in cross matching led to acute hemolytic transfusion reaction. It is recommended to conduct unexpected antibody screening before blood transfusion, and to collect blood sample for testing as soon as possible to improve the accuracy of DAT when acute hemolytic transfusion reaction is suspected.