Journal of Water and Health (Dec 2021)
Examination of the Cameroon DHS data to investigate how water access and sanitation services are related to diarrhea and nutrition among infants and toddlers in rural households
Undernutrition among children is a significant issue in rural areas in Cameroon, with diarrhea being one of the major contributing risk factors. To gain a better understanding of the risk factors of diarrhea, the main objective of this epidemiological study was to examine associations between water access and sanitation service with diarrhea, diet diversity, and anemia among infants and toddlers in rural households in Cameroon. The study involved household- and individual-level data of 2,129 rural-dwelling infants and toddlers from the Demographic and Health Survey database. About one-third of infants and toddlers were experiencing diarrhea, with higher odds among those who lived in households with limited water service (p = 0.028). The odds of having diarrhea were 50% higher among infants and toddlers when households did not have sanitation facilities (p = 0.007). The lack of improved water and sanitation was also associated with a low intake of various food groups among older infants and toddlers. The prevalence of anemia was high, but no significant differences were seen by water and sanitation services. The achievement of SDG #6 will help address undernutrition and achieve other SDGs, including improving health and wellbeing. HIGHLIGHTS Access to improved water is limited in rural areas, with surface water being a common source of drinking water.; Diarrhea among a very young age group of infants and toddlers is also prevalent and is associated with water and sanitation services.; The use of surface water for drinking at the household level is associated with diarrhea and also poor diversity in feeding a variety of foods to infants and children.;