Studia Europejskie (Jun 2019)
Wpływ przyjęcia euro przez Słowację na podstawowe wskaźniki makroekonomiczne. Analiza porównawcza z Czechami jako krajem spoza UGiW
The aim of the article is to present the influence of the euro adoption by Slovakia on the basic macroeconomic indicators. The study period was assumed to be 2001–2017, with additional division into sub-periods 2001–2008 and 2009–2017, hence before and after the euro adoption by Slovakia. An attempt to verify the following hypotheses was made: 1) the decision on the adoption of the euro by Slovakia was favourable in terms of the main macroeconomic indicators (economic growth, unemployment and growth rates); 2) in the case of Slovakia the theory of endogeneity of the optimal currency area criteria has been confi rmed. In order to verify the hypotheses, a comparative analysis was conducted with the Czech Republic – the country neighbouring Slovakia and, until recently, constituting one common state with it. On the basis of the conducted analysis, it was found that these hypotheses should not be verified neither positively nor negatively