Zemleustrìj, Kadastr ì Monìtorìng Zemelʹ (Apr 2018)
The article deals with the results of the investigation of the land fund structure and features of land use in the Horokhiv district of the Volyn region in the conext of its administrative units. For this purpose, the level of agricultural development, the ratio of ploughed land, agricultural ploughed land, the share of forest cover areas, the ratio of natural and economic lands, and the mapping of the land resources of the study area have been made. Such research methods as comparative-geographical, mathematical-statistical, geoinformation modeling (using MapInfo Professional 8.0 SCP) are used. In the process of research we established that in the structure of the land fund of Horokhiv district on 2016.01.01. agricultural land predominates, the share is 79%. The highest share of agricultural land is typical to the Berezhanka (95%), Zhabche, Pustomyty (94%), Myrne (93%), Vatyn, Myrkiv, Mychlyn (91%), Gubyn the First and Skirche village councils (90%), since in these territories, in comparison with other administrative formations of the district, morphological and morphometric parameters of the relief are more suitable for agricultural cultivation, smaller areas occupy forest, flood landscapes, surface waters. The smallest share of agricultural land can be traced back to the land fund of Horokhiv (20%) and urban-type settlement of Marianivka (31%), since the large areas are occupied by built-up lands. Forests and other forested areas cover 10,5% of the territory. The woodiness of the most administrative units of Horokhiv district are only a few percent. It is the largest index in the southern part of the district, reaching the maximum values in the Pisky village council - 41%. The third position in the land use structure of Horokhiv district is open wetlands (4,3% of its area). The largest areas of marsh in Brany, Buzhany, Zhuravnyky, Merva, Peremyl, and Tsegiv village councils. There are no swamps in the Zhabche village council, urban-type settlement of Senkevychivka and town of Berestechko. Built-up lands occupy 4,0% of the territory of Horokhiv district. The highest rate of built-up land is typical to Buzhany and Tsegiv village councils and the town of Horokhiv. The smallest areas of built-up land are in the Berezhany, Myrkiv and Mykhlyn village councils. Land under the surface water occupies 1,8% of the territory of the researched area. The largest area of the water mirror is in the Peremyl and Kholoniv village councils, and in the Pustomyty rural council, the urban-type settlement of Senkevichivka and the town of Horokhiv surface water is absent. The smallest share (0,3%) in the structure of the land fund of the researched territory is open land without plant cover or with insignificant plant cover. The largest areas of this category of land are in Braniv and Tsegiv village councils, since the large areas are occupied by the outcrop of brick-tiled raw materials; such land is absent in the town of Berestechko, Skirche, Pirwenche, Mykhlyn, Lemeshiv, Galichanske and Berezhany. According to the structure analysis of the land fund of Horokhiv district, the natural mosaic of its landscapes is the most disturbed by agricultural land use. The share of agricultural land in the structure of the land fund of the investigated area is 77%. This indicator is highest in rural councils of the northern part of the district. Horokhiv district is characterized by extremely unfavorable structure of the land, as evidenced by a small share of natural and semi-natural territories (24%, and in many administrative districts not more than 10%), high coefficient of plowing of the territory (67,11% as a whole for the district, and in eight village councils is more than 80%) and agricultural land cultivation (87% for the district, and for more than half of district administrative units is over 90%). The reason for this is the presence of fertile soils, a large population density and a long period of agricultural impact on the land. For a more detailed ecological diagnostics of the territory of Horokhiv district it is necessary to assess the ecological ratio of the equilibrium of its territorial structure with the use of remote sensing data and laboratory research. However, the obtained information may also be useful for developing measures to optimize the landscape-ecological structure of the united territorial communities, which are created according to a new territorial-administrative system, as well as for preservation of land potential and reproduction of soil fertility in the region.