Archives of Civil Engineering (Sep 2022)
Application of non-contact geodetic measurement techniques in dam monitoring
The maintenance of dams, including the protection of reservoir and flood embankments, requires regular control measurements and assessment of their technical condition. The choice of measurement methods, especially in terms of their speed and reliability, become crucial especially when the facilities are endangered due to a natural disaster. However, despite the enormous rapid development of modern geodetic measurement techniques, measurements at most dams are still conducted using classical techniques, such as angular-linear or leveling measurements which require interference with the measured structure. In addition, they need to be personally performed by employees or require visual inspections of the structure or in its protection zone. This article presents non-contact geodetic measurement techniques, such as terrestrial laser scanning, remote sensing classification of intensity and thermovision images recorded with various measurement sensors, digital image correlation, digital photogrammetry, or UAV. They are presented and compared in terms of their reliability, efficiency and accuracy of the obtained data, and the possibility of their automation and integration. As surveyors and hydraulic and geotechnical engineers are increasingly turning to modern measurement technologies, the aim of this paper is to help in selecting appropriate and effective monitoring tools ensuring fast and safe measurements crucial for the safety and maintenance of concrete structures. It presents examples of research based on the use of the modern measuring techniques carried out in recent years by employees of the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography at the Warsaw University of Technology.