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Relation between performance in side bridge and injuries in amateur soccer

  • Luiz Antônio Garcia de Souza,
  • Tissiani Morimoto,
  • Pâmela von Mühlen,
  • Tiarlei Crossetti Gonçalves,
  • Philip dos Santos Felippe,
  • Ana Paula Barcellos Karolczak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 28, no. 3
pp. 447 – 457


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AbstractIntroduction Central instability is associated with insufficient endurance and strength of the stabilizer muscles, and it can lead to muscle imbalance and injuries.Objective Relate side bridge performance with the presence of injuries in amateur soccer athletes.Materials and methods A cross-sectional study with a sample of 188 male athletes, aged between 11 and 17 years. To identify the injuries, a questionnaire developed by researchers was applied and the players’ clinical records were reviewed. The time of the side bridge test was used to identify muscle imbalance. For statistical analysis, the following tests were used: chi-square test; Pearson’s chi-square test; Fisher’s exact test; Yates’s correction for continuity; two-way ANOVA; one-way ANOVA; and t-test. The significance level (α) of 5% was adopted.Results Injuries were reported by 59.6% of the athletes: sprain (31.3%); muscle strain (28.6%) and fracture; luxation and subluxation (19.6%) were the most frequently reported injuries. Athletes that reported any injury corresponded to 73.2% of the sample. The presence of injuries was not associated with muscle imbalance (p = 0.565), as it prevailed in athletes with both balance (64%) and imbalance (58%). Injury type and prevalence were not significant when compared with the presence of imbalance (p > 0.05).Final considerations No significant relation between muscle imbalance and injury was observed in the studied sample.
