Armaghane Danesh Bimonthly Journal (Apr 2019)
Designing a Health Food Control Management Model for Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province
Background & aim: The food that man needs is produced in a relatively long chain and after various stages of procurement, transportation, processing, storage, packaging and finally consuming, thus proper management of this chain is of great importance for providing health . The purpose of this study was to design and develop an appropriate and native model for controlling food health control in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad Province using the experience and nutrition models of several developed countries and the views of experts and nutritionists. Methods: The present study applied a qualitative-quantitative and applied-qualitative, descriptive and comparative method was used in a cross-sectional mannerin. At the initial design stage, the model initially identified several factors and program aspects Management and food safety, and food safety monitoring of food products in the country (province) and selected countries. Primary criteria and components of applied questionnaires were developed using the theory of nutrition experts and experts in this field, extracted, classified and tailored to the specific objectives of the study. To test the pattern with a survey approach by receiving the views through a questionnaire in three stages, the review and necessary amendments were made based on the proportion of each of the indicators and criteria. The methods of analysis are mainly descriptive and conceptual analysis, Structural modeling analysis tool and use of LaserLevel software. Results: This model was developed in the form of 80 sub-components, and four main factors, including: factors affecting food control management 33 factors, 28 factors planning, organizing monitoring, 12 factors and factors influencing the financing of health control management Food is 7 factors.This pattern can be used as a framework for ensuring the quality and safety of the food industry. Finally, in order to determine the appropriateness of the proposed model and its adaptation to the needs and requirements of the industries and companies and food and nutrition management unit organizations, using the hierarchical analysis method, the importance coefficients of each dimension, components and indicators available in the pattern for the country of Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province. Conclusion :This study may be useful in providing an appropriate management system for managing food health control in Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province, which provides the improvement of the state of health of the food industry, an appropriate technique for monitoring and control in organizations that are part of their duties in the field of food .