Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Društva (Jan 2022)
Spatial planning systems worldwide
The paper outlines the features of the spatial planning systems worldwide, on different continents, based on countries where legislative frameworks for the planning and methodology of preparing and implementing planning documents are defined. In order to define global features of a spatial planning systems it is necessary to address several issues: the implementation of sustainability principles, the development of regional planning, the importance of an urban planning approach, management system, implementation problems, participation, the share of strategic spatial planning and transnational cooperation, etc. The determination of the planning system by numerous and various factors influenced the different degree of development of the planning process. In many countries, planning practice faces problems associated with the disrespect of the law, corruption and illegal land use, resolving regional development imbalances in almost all countries etc. At a global level, addressing environmental issues is becoming a dominant goal in most planning systems.