Carnets de Géologie (Jan 2009)
Cenozoic Dasycladales. A photo-atlas of Lutetian species from French Cenozoic basins
- Génot Patrick
- Génot Patrick
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. CG2009,
no. SP01 (B01)
pp. 1 – 180
Dasycladales are unicellular green algae in existence since the Paleozoic era. Dasycladales discovered in the Cenozoic strata of the French sedimentary basins are noteworthy for the exceptional quality of their preservation. Although most fossil Dasycladales are known only in thin sections, the coatings of the Dasycladales in these basins, particularly of those in Lutetian beds, are easy to extract from sandy sediments and then are examined under the electron microscope. This method of investigation facilitates greatly the identification of the external and internal features of each species.
- Cenozoic
- Miocene
- Oligocene
- Eocene
- Paleocene
- Stampian
- Priabonian
- Bartonian
- Lutetian
- Ypresian
- Acicularia
- acuminata
- cornigera
- costulata
- heberti
- munieri
- pavantina
- Belzungia
- terquemi
- Carpenterella
- jonesi
- Clypeina
- marginiporella
- stelliformis
- Cymopolia
- armorica
- elongata
- turgescens
- Dameryella
- tuberosa
- Frederica
- villiersi
- Neomeris
- bipartita
- fercourtensis
- filiformis
- fragilis
- larvarioides
- limbata
- pustulosa
- radiata
- reticulata
- Thyrsoporella
- cancellata
- Zittelina
- dumasi
- elegans
- parisiensis
- rotunda