Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology (Jan 2021)
In vitro antimicrobial effect of chloroaluminum phthalocyanine nanoemulsion on periodontal bacteria
Context: Nowadays, complementary therapies are necessary for a major removal of microbial subgingival biofilm in the conventional treatment of periodontitis. Research has suggested the use of photodynamic therapy (PDT) as a promising therapy to manage oral cavity infections. This project proposes a new combination of photosensitizer chloroaluminum phthalocyanine and nanoemulsion as a strategy for improving bioactivity. The main purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of nanoemulsion ClAlPc (ClAlPc-NE) on relevant periodontal bacteria before and after PDT. Materials and Methods: The phototoxic and antibacterial effect of ClAlPc-NE was evaluated against epithelial cells derived from an African green monkey kidney using the colorimetric method with salt tetrazolium 3-(4.5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2.5-Diphenyltetrazolium bromide (Merck) and periodontopathogen bacteria (Porphyromonas gingivalis (ATCC 33277), Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (ATCC 33384), and Prevotella intermedia (ATCC 25611) using the plate microdilution method according to Tavares et al., 2018, respectively. The light source used for the PDT was a LED laser (400–700 nm); the cells were irradiated for 2 min using 4.83 joules/cm2. Results: Antibacterial effect of NE-PcAlCl against P. intermedia with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 0.63 μM after TFD was determined. In the case of P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans, no biological activity was found after PDT (MIC > 20 μM) under-evaluated experimental conditions. On the other hand, the ClAlPc-free and ClAlPc-NE cells were phototoxic on epithelial cells. Conclusion: The results helped to identify the potential use of ClAlPc-NE to inhibit the periodontal bacterial and additional studies are being developed.