Demetra (Nov 2017)


  • Shirley Donizete Prado,
  • Fabiana Bom Kraemer

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 4


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The end of the year is approaching again, and we are immersed in a scenario of great hardship at UERJ. Still, we forged ahead, while maintaining the standards that underpin our journal, which bears the name of the Greek goddess Demeter - the one who looks after wheat fields, who watches over farmers, who teaches them cropping and harvesting techniques. That brings us back to Demeter’s deep sorrow when she saw her daughter Persephone, who is associated with springtime, be suddenly abducted by Hades, the god-king of the underworld. Her daughter could be abducted because the earth opened up, hence the goddess cast a curse on the land and retreated to Olympus. The earth no longer provided food, and hunger and disease prevailed. Demeter’s wails and chaos on earth led Zeus to speak to Hades and request the release of Persephone, which he agreed to. The Lord of the underworld, however, made the young woman ate some pomegranate seeds: whoever tasted food in the underworld would have to return there. Thus, Persephone began to regularly alternate between spending a period of time with her mother - time in which the seeds sprout from the earth, just like the young woman comes to light - and another period with Hades - when seeds are sown and remain in the soil, in the same way as Demeter’s daughter returns to her husband’s kingdom. Somehow, Demeter governs the cycles, the swinging motion, so to speak. And under her auspices, we proceed. The seeds are alive. DOI: 10.12957/demetra.2017.31227