Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Jan 2016)
Advantages and Disadvantages Romania's Transition to the Euro
Fluctuations in the euro are known to everyone, but what many do not know is that the euro isthe currency they use more than 337.5 million people worldwide. No less than 19 euro areacountries using the Euro as payment every day, helping to become the second most importantinternational currency after the dollar. The Official statistics released by the European Union, however, show that the euro is strongerthan the dollar in terms numeral in circulation and the cash held in 1999, even January 1, the daythat became actually official currency for 11 Member States. Official statistics released by the European Union, however, show that the euro is stronger thanthe dollar in terms numeral in circulation and the cash held in 1999, even January 1, the day thatbecame actually official currency for 11 Member States.