Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales (Aug 2017)
Diagnose of species of mushrooms ectomicorrízicos in a natural forest de PinuscubensisGriseb, affected for the fire
The investigation was carried out in rodales of a forest of P. cubensis belonging to the Managerial Unit of Base Silvícola of Yateras, EFI Guantánamo, with the objective of quantifying the species of mushrooms ectomicorrízicos in a natural forest of P. cubensis, after the application of you prescribed burns. To determine the effects of this about the diversity of species of mushrooms ectomicorrízicos, 4 rectangular parcels of 5 X rose 150m. Starting from those analyses, the following results were obtained: starting from the 15 days they began to appear carpóforos of the species of Suillus sp. and Amanita muscaria, afrter 60 days the analized species wer4e found before applying the burn (Boletussp; Suillusbrevipes (Peck) Kuntze; Suillusdecipiens (Berk. and M.A. you Harden) Kuntze; Suillussp; Amanita muscaria subsp. American (Lange) Singer; LACTARIUS SEMISANGUIFLUUS R. HEIM AND LECLAIR; Scleroderma stellatumBerk) y Pisolithusarhizus (Scop.) Rauschert that was not found before you burn them, these results indicate that the use of prescribed burns of half intensity doesn't affect the dynamics of the mushrooms ectomicorrízicos.