Advances in Medical Education and Practice (Sep 2021)
Faculty Perspectives on Student Attendance in Undergraduate Medical Education [Corrigendum]
Campbell AM, Ikonne US, Whelihan KE, Lewis JH. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2019;10:759– 768. Page 761, Faculty perspectives about professionalism, job satisfaction, and active learning section, fourth sentence, the text “Ten disagreed that students who regularly attended large-group sessions had better academic performance” should read “Ten agreed that students who regularly attended large-group sessions had better academic performance”. Table 3 on page 763, the values in the Students who attend large group sessions regularly have better academic performance and Active-learning sessions are more effective with higher attendance rows are incorrect. The correct Table 3 is shown in Download Article.The authors apologize for these errors and advise they do not affect the scientific conclusions of the paper. Read the original article