Гинекология (Dec 2014)
Vaginal atrophy in obstetrician-gynecologist practice
Vaginal atrophy is a characteristic symptom of menopause, which can develop in young women as a result of temporary or permanent deficiency of estrogen, as well as after operations of the cervix or connective tissue diseases. Manifestations of diverse vaginal atrophy, affect sexuality and significantly reduce the quality of life of women. The diagnosis of vaginal atrophy is clinical and depends solely on the skill of the doctor who expertly evaluates medical history and examines, since patients with vaginal atrophy often do not complain. Estrogens are considered to be the most effective option for the treatment of all forms of vaginal atrophy in the local application. In Russia, it is only estriol - estrogen deprived of systemic metabolic effects and does not require monitoring of the endometrium and breast, as well as the additional use of progestogen to protect the endometrium - that is registered for the vaginal use. Estriol in the form of vaginal suppositories (Ovipol Clio®) can be used in women with urogenital atrophy in postmenopausal women with amenorrhea or in the reproductive age, in the treatment of stenosis of the cervical canal, or after unclear smear from the cervix to the background of vaginal atrophy, as well as in urology in relapsed urinary tract infection in young women or as a preoperative preparation for operations on the pelvic floor.