F1000Research (Dec 2014)
Case Report: A case report of Moyamoya disease in a 36 year old African American woman [v1; ref status: indexed, http://f1000r.es/4tx]
Moyamoya is a rare idiopathic progressive vaso-occlusive disease characterized by irreversible condition of main blood vessels to the brain as they enter into the skull. We present a case of 36 year old African American female presenting to the Out Patient Clinic with headache which were on and off for 4-6 months and did not relieve on routine medical therapy. It was associated with weakness on right side for last few days. The patient was investigated with CT Angiogram, diagnosed as Moyamoya disease and operated. She has been followed up for the last 5 years and the patient has not complained of any headaches or focal neurological symptoms.