Sportif Bakış Spor ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi (Aug 2024)
Examination of Communication Skills and Physical Education Teaching Competencies of Physical Education and Sports Teacher Candidates
The aim of this research is to examine the communication skills and physical education teaching competencies of physical education and sports teacher candidates in terms of different variables. The research was prepared in accordance with the relational screening model. 170 students studying at Ahi Evran University and Fırat University Faculty of Sports Sciences participated in the research. As data gathering tools in addition to the personal information form the "Communication Skills Scale (CSS)" developed by Korkut (1996) and the Turkish version of Humpries et al. (2012)’ s the “Physical Education Teaching Proficiency Scale (PETPS)'' were used. The communication skills scale is a 5-point Likert type scale ranging from "always" to "never". Physical education teaching proficiency scale is a three-way Likert type as '1- I can't do it, 2- I can do it at a moderate level, 3- I can do it at a good level'. The analysis of the data collected in the study was made in the SPSS 20.0 statistical package program. As a result of examining the kurtosis and skewness values to determine the tests to be used in the analysis of the data, it was observed that it provided the accepted ±2 range for the normality assumption. Distribution, frequency, t test, anova test and simple correlation analysis were performed to compare the relevant data. As a result of statistical analysis, no significant difference was found in the total scores and sub-dimensions of the CSS and PETPS in terms of the gender variable of the participants; A significant difference was found in terms of university, family income level and class variables. In addition, according to the results of the correlation analysis, a positive, moderately significant relationship was determined between the participants' CSS and PETPS total scores. Necessary suggestions and recommendations in line with the findings obtained because of the research are presented in the relevant section.