Цифровое право (Jul 2022)
Plagiarism and “self-plagiarism” in scientific works in the age of digital technologies
As well as streamlining academic research activities, contemporary technologies provide opportunities to infringe on the intellectual property of others through plagiarism. However, plagiarism has yet to be adequately dealt with in national legislations, which either do not contain any provision in this connection or fail to adequately define the relevant terms. Moreover, there continues to be much discussion as to what plagiarism is, as well as how and in what cases it should be punishable. The situation is further complicated by the various approaches to plagiarism and the lack of consensus on whether so-called “self-plagiarism” should be treated separately from the intentional infringement of other people’s intellectual property or be deemed as a form of plagiarism. With the aim of clarifying these questions, the authors of the present paper compare different approaches taken to the problem of plagiarism and consider some contemporary approaches to plagiarism detection.