NURE Investigación (May 2009)
Autologous blood pleurodesis. Technique and nursing cares
The pneumothorax is defined as the air presence in the pleural space. Pleura is the serous layer that surrounds the lungs. The literature available keeps awake a high recurrences percentage (about 50%). The morbimortality of this disease and the derived costs of the same are considerable. For that reason for decades procedures are investigated that avoid the recurrence of the pneumothorax. Pleurodesis consists on producing a chemical abrasion of the pleura, by means of the intrapleural injection of agents through a thoracic drainage. Splenger in 1906 carried out the first pleurodesis using Silver nitrate. In 1953 Grossman, realised the first pleurodesis using autologous blood, instilling 25 ml of blood.In autologous blood pleurodesis, the used substance it is the own patient´s blood with the objective of getting an adhesion between the parietal pleura and the visceral one, to achieve the complete and stable reexpansion of the lung parenchyma.Objective: Description of the technique and the nursing cares that need the patients to whom autologous blood pleurodesis is realised.Material and Method: Descriptive study on a novel technique that is realised in the adults Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital Torrecárdenas.Discussion and Conclusion: This technique has no contrasted evidences as far as nursing cares. The nurse´s figure is the key professional ones to improve the efficiency of the cares. We do not want to demonstrate to the effectiveness of the technique but the nurse cares that are derived themselves. The previous and maintained analgesia during at least 24 hours improves the tolerance.