Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea (Oct 2012)

La sátira y el humor político durante el Tercer Reich. Los delitos contra la Volksgemeinschaft

  • Francisco Miguel De Toro Muñoz es Doctor en Historia Moderna y Contemporánea por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Su tesis doctoral, “Nazismo y resistencia en Austria. Oposición, disentimiento, consenso y policía política. Viena (1938-1942)”, recibió excelente cum laude, con Premio Extraordinario de doctorado. Paralelamente ha publicado distintos artículos de investigación en revistas científicas como «Historiar», «Historia Social», «Segle XX», etc. Se ocupa de temas relacionados con la historia del Tercer Reich y el Nacionalsocialismo, dedicándose especialmente al análisis del sistema de represión.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 3
pp. 1 – 15


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Criticism of public opinion appears in all political systems, but the most important is its ability to respond to criticism and give them an answer. It is in this environment of control of all possible expressions of thought that flourish the political satire, which draws on reserves of imagination and ingenuity to the totalitarian system that denies its form of expression. The “seditious” opinions that came before the courts were related to anti-Nazi humor that was considered, in all its manifestations, as opposition propaganda. But to access to the “criminals”, the regime must have the cooperation of society. Satire adopted two main objectives: mocking the system, mocking their rules and institutions, and avoided the fear of the regime, by ridiculing aspects of daily life.
