Biota Colombiana (Jan 2021)
Description of the phonetic units and phonological syntax of vocal repertoire of wild cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus)
We observed a population of cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus, Primates: Callitrichidae) in the municipality of Santa Catalina, Bolívar, northern Colombia. We observed them over 100 hours, and we recorded 16 hours of vocalizations, which were subsequently digitalized at 44.1 kHz, using Protools. We analyzed 2617 sounds with Raven 1.2, with the aim of identifying the phonetic units forming the vocal repertoire of this species, according to the following acoustic parameters: Duration (ms), change frequency (Hz), peak frequency (Hz), start frequency (Hz) and harmonics. In order to describe the vocal repertoire, the phonemes were classified into 11 groups, according to their form. The acoustic parameters were analyzed using confidence intervals, and 49 different sounds were identified. By assembling the phonetic units, 14 different vocalizations wer identified. The sounds emitted by cotton-top tamarins are of short duration (= 0.0215 s). The lowest start frequency registered is 322.7 Hz and the highest is 13 956.5 Hz. The change in frequency ranges from 113.8 to 13 652.2 Hz. The peak frequencies range from 0 to 10 077.6 Hz. On the other hand, 37.4 % of sound lacks harmonics, and the remainder 62.6 % show between 1 and 12 harmonics.