Mir Èkonomiki i Upravleniâ (Dec 2016)
Reliability and financial stability of a commercial bank are based on economic interests of its stakeholders - influence groups. The main influence groups of a bank - Shareholders, Board of management, Administration and Responsible executives, Staff members, Depositors, Loan debtors, Clients - have competing economic interests, which are necessary to be taken into account and are to be realized in a balanced way in the process of strategic management. Quantitative outcomes of Strategy 2015 implementation in terms of its system-based stability, which is determinated by sufficient capital’s data, day-to-day liquidity as well as risk realization level of active bank transactions, turned out to be insufficient but expectable. The approach to definition of economic nature of the category “Financial stability” relating to the joint-stock bank, which is demonstrated with the use of the analog model of its development affected by influence groups, is represented. Such basic vectors of strategic development of the joint-stock bank as “Aggressive growth”, “Dumping”, “Conservatism”, “Evolutionary growth” were examined and analyzed. Operating results of a banking sector, which statistically reflect the effect of depositors’ and loan debtors’ forces on the bank, show stronger dependence on individual and corporate depositors. Statement on suitability and possibility of quantitative evaluation of a bank’s financial stability (reliability) in indicator set “Return on assets - Liquidity - Risks”.