Granì (Jan 2017)

Transformation means and forms of implementation of armed violence in the world today

  • A. V. Bader

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 10(138)
pp. 60 – 66


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Indigenous fracture is considered in military operation «Desert Storm», in which a classic war has become a high-tech. The foundations for fundamental reforms laid the advent of nuclear weapons, which led to the search for new technologies of warfare. The need to maintain nuclear parity during the «Cold War» has stimulated the constant technological progress and the emergence of US precision weapons applied, after the collapse of the bipolar world. The emergence and use of precision weapons, the presence of only the most developed countries has led to a search for opponents counter options. Starts tactics used quick, short-term terrorist attacks with many civilian casualties, the head of which aim to spread fear and panic among the population. The use of precision weapons against small, mobile groups of terrorists is not effective. So the basic principles of this type of armed violence were gradually assimilated by developed countries, and formed the basis of new military doctrines. This tactic is much cheapen conduct military operations and provided opportunities manipulate public opinion. These trends have laid the foundation of this type of armed violence as a «hybrid war». We can select offensive features of modern armed violence: increased internationalization of armed conflicts, involving the civilian population to armed struggle, using a wide range of weapons, including the latest technology, transformation techniques of conflict management, which leads to sharp transitions from conflict to escalate its de-escalation. Today, military conflict involves a comprehensive application of military force, political, economic, informational and other non-military means, implemented with extensive use of the protest potential of the population and special operations forces. At present radically changed not only nature, but also the very essence of armed violence. Today is not the purpose of aggression capture national wealth and resources, the enslavement of the people or the occupation of foreign lands, and complete submission of the enemy at will. Along with how the purpose of armed violence did not become physical destruction of the enemy, and it complete submission to his will, in future military conflicts, the use of force may not even apply at all or not be the key. If you can impose its will on the opponent, make him willingly follow your interests, then the war aims can be achieved without the use of weapons.
