Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences (Dec 2015)

Comparative morphometrical and histological study of lingual papillae in two different ages of the Iraqi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

  • A.A. Hasso

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 29, no. 1
pp. 9 – 21


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Twenty two tongues of buffalo collected from the slaughter house of Mousl city (11 tongues for adult animals 3-4 years and11tongues for small ages 1 weake-2 monthes). Two groups were used in this study, twelve samples for anatomical study and ten samples for histological study, in each group of this study, the tongues were divided into four regions from apex to the end of the root. The tongue is a muscular organ which consists of dorsal and ventral surfaces, it is formed from three parts (apex, body and root). The lingual fossa and torus linguae both appear on the dorsal surface. The total average of the tongue length in adult animals (36.00±0.97) cm while the highest average of the length, width and thickness found in the third region. The total length in small ages was (16.92±0.98) cm and the highest average of length and thickness again it happens in third region and the highest width in this age group found in the second region. The investigation of the normal anatomical structures of the tongue distinguished four lingual papillae (filiform, fungiform, conical and circumvalate) while the lenticuler papillae absent in both age groups. The filiform and fungiform papillae spread over the dorsal surface and ventro-lateral surface terminat abruptly at the ventro-lateral border forming a distinct straight line from apex to the torus linguae in both ages. The present work reveals that the highest average of filiform papillae in both surface (dorsal and ventro-lateral surface) founds in second region in adult group, while in small group founds in first region. The highest average of fungiform papillae in both surface of both age groups are in the apex of tongue. The highest average of conical and circumvalate papillae in both age group (adult and young) were on torus linguae. The histological study has been used the shape, diameter and the type of epithelium which covered the papillae in both groups. The filiform papillae are long fine projection beading back word with highest average of diameter in both age groups occuring in the third region. The epithelium covering these papillae is keratinized stratified squamus epithelium. No trace of connective tissue core has been found in these papillae. The fungiform papillae in both ages take the shape of small rounded projection, containing taste buds in adult group only. The highest average diameter located in the third region of both groups. These papillae are covered by mildly keratinized stratified squamus epithelium. The conical papillae in both age groups exist on the dorsal surface in the torus linguae as a conical projections in different sizes. The large sized papilla located towards the side edges of the tongue whereas the smaller sized ones spread along mid-dorsal. This gives them "V" shape pattern, with apex towards the front. These papillae covered by highly keratinized stratified squamus epithelium with a connective tissue core. The circumvalate papillae exist on the dorso-lateral surface, on the end of the torus linguae and the beginning of the root, in two irregular rows on either side. The diameter of these papillae peaks in the third region in the adult group whereas in young group it peaks in the fourth region. These papillae are surrounded by gustatory groove. In adult groups, unlike the young group, there could exist more than one papillae in each gustatory groove. These papillae are covered by mildly keratinized stratified squamus epithelium, with connective tissue core. Taste buds exist on either side of these papillae in both age groups. Also been noticed von Ebner ducts open beneath these papillae. The lenticular papillae are not noticed in both age groups.
