Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - Kinh tế và Quản trị kinh doanh (Aug 2020)
Improving the motivation of knowledge sharing between employees of PECC3 company
Today, knowledge becomesa most important resource for enterprises’ competition. For companies in constructionconsulting industry, a knowledge-intensive area, knowledge sharing (KS) is very important for raising labor productivity and ensuring sustainable development. However, in order to encourage knowledge sharing between employees, managers should haveknowledge about motivational factors of knowledge sharing, and make appropriate policies.Based on Burgess Model (2005) and theoriesfor exploring the effectiveness of motivational factors on knowledge sharing, this surveywas conducted at PECC3 Company in Vietnam. The result analysisshowed that the knowledge sharing of PECC3’s employees is affected by the following factors: Award-reaping tendency, Fear of power loss, Perception of personal benefit, Emphasis on Group-work, Perception of social benefit.Based on these results, some managerial implications for improving the motivation of knowledge sharing between employees of PECC3 are suggested