Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Apr 2008)
Evaluation the quality of life in elderly with stroke: a exploratory and transversal study.
Objective: To evaluate quality of life in elderly with stroke and to investigate the relationship, as well as the influence of social-demographic variables and health in quality of life of those subjects. Method: Exploratory-descriptive study with elderly stroke survivors. Quality of life was evaluated by SF-36 - "The Medical Outcomes Study 36-item shorts-form health survey". Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were applied to investigate influence of age, caregivers' presence and stroke in the dimensions of SF-36. Results: Functional capacity and overall health presented, respectively, the smallest and the largest means among the domains of SF-36. Age showed negative correlation with functional capacity and positive with the domains of physical aspects and emotional aspects. The variables that influenced the functional capacity were closeness of caregiver, hemiparesis and no access to health services. Conclusions: Social-demographic variables and current sequels of stroke influenced quality of life of the elderly stroke survivors, and the functional capacity was the most committed dimension of SF-36. Recovery actions and rehabilitation addressed the elderly' peculiarities can benefit that population. Actions aming at recovery and rehabilitation addressing those elderly and their peculiarities can benefitit this population. Keywords: quality of life, gerontology and stroke.