Payesh (Oct 2010)
Does smoking cessation result depend on smoking reason?
Objective(s): Since the smoking reason for different smokers needs different treatment methods and special advices, it is necessary to specify these reasons. This study designed to know the main smoking causes in Iran, in order to design proper treatment methods and behavioral therapies for smoking cessation. In addition the study thought to evaluate the effects of these reasons on the quit results and the probable circumstances of these effects. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in Tehran, Iran. All people attending to smoking cessation clinics (affillated to Research Institute for Tuberclosis & Lung Diseases, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences) were invited to take part in the study in year 2006-2008. Volunteers answered 13 items of the Iranian version of the Modified Reasons for Smoking Scale (MRSS), Fagerström test and demographic characteristics. All participants have been assessed by a physician and they participated in a four-session per week program including nicotine replacement and non-nicotinic therapies and behavioral therapy. All participants were followed-up for 6 and 12 months after quiting smoking. Results: In all 822 participants including 590 men (68.7%) with mean age of 43.8±13.2 years were studied. All analyses were adjusted for sex and Fagerström test score. Pleasure to smoke was found as the principle reason for failure to smoking cessation in the end of clinical trial (P=0.004). In 6 and 12 months follow-up, failed quitting was predicted by pleasure to smoke and hand-mouth activity score (P<0.05). Conclusion: The study findings suggest that reason for smoking is associated with its quiting. |