Туберкулез и болезни лёгких (Apr 2021)
The nosological structure of respiratory diseases in the pulmonology in-patient unit specifying the proportion of HIV positive patients
The objective of the study: to identify respiratory diseases specifying the proportion of HIV-positive patients who have to be admitted to the pulmonology department of an emergency hospital.Subjects and methods. All cases admitted to the pulmonology department of Emergency Relief Hospital no. 2, Omsk, from 2016 to 2019 were analyzed.Results. Among patients admitted to the pulmonology department of the emergency hospital in 2016-2019, pneumonia was the most frequent nosology – from 51.6% (2017) to 63.2% (2019) followed by chronic obstructive lung disease – from 29.1% (2016) to 18.1% (2019). The average duration of hospital stay for pneumonia increased from 9.2 (2016) to 15.4 days (2019) that could be indicative of more severe cases due to the increased proportion of HIV positive patients from 22.4% (2016) to 49.1% (2019). Of pneumonia with the detected pathogen, cases of bacterial pneumonia were the most frequent, but in 2019 there was a significant (up to 19.3%) increase in pneumocystosis pneumonia. The frequency of lung cancer diagnostics ranged from 1.2% (2018) to 2.1% (2017 and 2019), which was associated with the low quality of early diagnosis and admission to hospital due to development of complications. The frequency of pulmonary tuberculosis detection in the pulmonology department tends to decrease every year – from 5.3% (2016) to 3.3% (2019), while the average duration of hospital stay before tuberculosis is diagnosed ranges from 4.9 ( 2016) to 5.9 days (2018). Among diagnosed tuberculosis patients, the proportion of HIV-positive people grows up every year – from 31.6% (2016) to 87.2% (2019).