Problemi Ekonomiki (Jun 2018)
Trends in the Development of Audit of Public Finances in the Context of Reforming the System of Public Financial Control
The aim of the article is the theorizing of trends in the development of audit of public finances in the context of reforming the system of public financial control in Ukraine and providing practical recommendations to improve the efficiency of the system of public financial control, taking into account the trends in the development of audit of public finances in Ukraine. In the article there used such research methods as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, methods of establishing causation, statistical analysis method. The analysis and research of regulatory legal acts, as well as the results of the activity of the State Audit Service of Ukraine, made it possible to determine the methodology and staffing related directions of reforming the system of public financial control in Ukraine. Measures on the introduction and development of audit of public finances in the activity of public sector bodies and the State Audit Service are planned and the achievements systematized. Based on the analysis of scientific works on the problem and the relevant domestic and international legislation, the classification of audit of public finances as a form of public financial control in the context of reforming the system of public financial control is generalized. There substantiated the directions for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the system of public financial control, with regard to the trends in the development of audit of public finances in Ukraine. Practical realization of the trends in the development of audit of public finances, determined by the authors of the article, will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of reforming the system of public financial control, which in turn is the determining factor in the reform of the public financial management system, and hence the financial security of the state. In this regard, it is appropriate to focus the further work on studying the best practices of developed countries and world trends in the field of audit of public finances by supreme audit institutions.