POCUS Journal (Nov 2023)

Asteroid Hyalosis: A Mimicker of Vitreous Hemorrhage on Point of Care Ultrasound: A Case Report

  • Eniola Gros,
  • Lauren McCafferty

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2


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Ocular point of care ultrasound (POCUS) can help make timely recognition of multiple emergent ocular conditions and differentiate these from more benign conditions. While asteroid hyalosis (AH) is benign, it can easily mimic the more potentially serious vitreous hemorrhage on ocular POCUS, as both consist of numerous echogenic opacities within the vitreous with a classic “washing machine” appearance with eye movement. However, asteroid hyalosis particles tend to be more discrete, hyperechoic, scintillating, and seen throughout the vitreous. Knowledge of this mimic and ability to recognize the subtle sonographic differences can help differentiate these disease processes, which can influence management and potentially disposition.
