Antibiotics (Feb 2020)
Genomic Characterization of New Variant of Hydrogen Sulfide (H<sub>2</sub>S)-Producing <i>Escherichia coli</i> with Multidrug Resistance Properties Carrying the <i>mcr-1</i> Gene in China <xref rid="fn1-antibiotics-714278" ref-type="fn">†</xref>
Colistin is considered to be a ‘last-resort’ antimicrobial for the treatment of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections. Identification of Enterobacteriaceae, carrying the transferable colistin resistance gene mcr-1, has recently provoked a global health concern. This report presents the first detection of a hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-producing Escherichia coli variant isolated from a human in China, with multidrug resistance (MDR) properties, including colistin resistance by the mcr-1 gene, which could have great implications for the treatment of human infections.