Heart and Mind (Jan 2021)
Strategy for discharges from the stress test laboratory for ambulatory patients with chest pain/dyspnea in COVID-19 times
Introduction: To reduce contacts during the COVID-19 pandemic, we elaborated a protocol for ambulatory referrals for exercise testing that included discharges from the stress test laboratory (STL). Methods and Results: From 403 patients referred for chest pain (68%) or dyspnea (32%), 219 were straight discharged from the STL (54%), without findings of coronary artery disease in 192 (88%), whereas in 120 (29.5%), further visits were recommended. Medical treatment was modified after the tests in 116 patients (29%). Conclusions: A strategy consisting of discharge from the STL for patients with negative/spurious stress test results, making therapeutic recommendations, seems feasible, effective, and overall opportune in the current situation.