Пернатые хищники и их охрана (Dec 2021)
Loss of the Bird Diverter Efficiency at a Medium Voltage Overhead Power Line – Example of the Aktobe Region (Republic of Kazakhstan)
This report presents the results of survey of a 46-kilometer section of the overhead line (OHL) powering the cathodic protection of the Bukhara – Ural Gas Pipeline within the Aktobe Region of the Republicof Kazakhstan. 7 kilometersof this section were previously equipped with bird protection devices (BPDs), which are now totally lost due to destruction of their fastening elements. Inspection of the 46-km section of this OHL has revealed deaths of 2 eagles (Aquilasp.), 1 Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), 1 Black Kite (Milvus migrans), and 3 Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus). The conclusion was made that the BPDs of this OHL needed renewal. It was also concluded that instead of OHLs laid along the pipeline route it was advisable to consider other options, including stations of cathodic protection fed from modular-packaged electrical power plants with self-contained micro-turbine units, such as used at the Beineu – Bozoy – Shymkent Gas Pipeline.