mSphere (Jul 2024)

The zinc cluster transcription factor Znc1 regulates Rta3-dependent miltefosine resistance in Candida albicans

  • Bernardo Ramírez-Zavala,
  • Ines Krüger,
  • Sonja Schwanfelder,
  • Katherine S. Barker,
  • P. David Rogers,
  • Joachim Morschhäuser

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 7


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ABSTRACT Zinc cluster transcription factors (ZCFs) are a family of transcription regulators that are almost exclusively found in the fungal kingdom. Activating mutations in the ZCFs Mrr1, Tac1, and Upc2 frequently cause acquired resistance to the widely used antifungal drug fluconazole in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. Similar to a hyperactive Tac1, a constitutively active form of the ZCF Znc1 causes increased fluconazole resistance by upregulating the multidrug efflux pump-encoding gene CDR1. Hyperactive forms of both Tac1 and Znc1 also cause overexpression of RTA3, which encodes a seven-transmembrane receptor protein involved in the regulation of asymmetric lipid distribution in the plasma membrane. RTA3 expression is also upregulated by miltefosine, an antiparasitic drug that is active against fungal pathogens and considered for treatment of invasive candidiasis, and rta3Δ mutants are hypersensitive to miltefosine. We found that activated forms of both Tac1 and Znc1 confer increased miltefosine resistance, which was dependent on RTA3 whereas CDR1 was dispensable. Intriguingly, the induction of RTA3 expression by miltefosine depended on Znc1, but not Tac1, in contrast to the known Tac1-dependent RTA3 upregulation by fluphenazine. In line with this observation, znc1Δ mutants were hypersensitive to miltefosine, whereas tac1Δ mutants showed wild-type tolerance. Forced expression of RTA3 reverted the hypersensitivity of znc1Δ mutants, demonstrating that the hypersensitivity was caused by the inability of the mutants to upregulate RTA3 in response to the drug. These findings establish Znc1 as a key regulator of miltefosine-induced RTA3 expression that is important for wild-type miltefosine tolerance.IMPORTANCETranscription factors are central regulators of gene expression, and knowledge about which transcription factor regulates specific genes in response to a certain signal is important to understand the behavior of organisms. In the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans, the RTA3 gene is required for wild-type tolerance of miltefosine, an antiparasitic drug that is considered for treatment of invasive candidiasis. Activated forms of the transcription factors Tac1 and Znc1 cause constitutive overexpression of RTA3 and thereby increased miltefosine resistance, but only Tac1 mediates upregulation of RTA3 in response to the known inducer fluphenazine. RTA3 expression is also induced by miltefosine, and we found that this response depends on Znc1, whereas Tac1 is dispensable. Consequently, znc1Δ mutants were hypersensitive to miltefosine, whereas tac1Δ mutants showed wild-type tolerance. These findings demonstrate that Znc1 is the key regulator of RTA3 expression in response to miltefosine that is important for wild-type miltefosine tolerance.
