Validation of a method employing liquid chromatography to identify and quantify glycomacropeptide of casein in raw milk
Orlando Bernal Chia,
Fernando Murcia Rubiano,
Olga Lucía Ávila Guzmán,
Jenifer Yaneth Guzman Gualteros,
Willinton Arturo Arias Casallas,
Maria Victoria Morales
Orlando Bernal Chia
Analista químico senior consorcio consultoría PTP, Biotrends laboratorios SAS, R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia.
Fernando Murcia Rubiano
Director técnico consorcio consultoría PTP, Biotrends laboratorios SAS, R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia
Olga Lucía Ávila Guzmán
Jefe de laboratorio consorcio consultoría PTP, Biotrends laboratorios SAS, R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia
Jenifer Yaneth Guzman Gualteros
Profesional senior vicepresidencia de agroindustria Colombia Productiva cuya vocera y administradora es la Fiduciaria Colombiana de Comercio Exterior Fiducoldex S.A, Bogotá Colombia
Willinton Arturo Arias Casallas
Gerente general R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia
Maria Victoria Morales
Gerente de proyectos R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia
BACKGROUND: The information on official testing methods, or regulatory methods in Colombia to test whey in milk is limited; this restriction of information goes against the possibility of mitigating the risk of food fraud. OBJECTIVES: The validation of an HPLC method to determine casein glycomacropeptide (c-GMP), a protein that countries such as Brazil, Spain, and Ecuador have used as an indicator of raw milk adulteration with whey, was carried out. METHODS: A 10mL sample of raw milk is precipitated with 24% TCA using ultrasound, a process followed by filtration. The collected fraction ensured the separation of c-GMP and then injected into the liquid chromatography. RESULTS: A 30 minutes analysis allowed the determination of c-GMP with a retention time of 12.9 ± 0.5 minutes. The performance characteristics method in the validation exercise were: recovery percentage 99.97%, linearity R2> 0.95; % RSD accuracy <5.3%. CONCLUSION, the method exhibits desirable attributes for the intended purpose.