تاریخ نگری و تاریخ نگاری (Dec 2020)
A Study of the Relationship Between the Reporting Dates and the Subjects of Shiite Rebuttal Writings (Prior to the Second Half of the Fifth Century)
Although most of the earlier rebuttal writings have been lost, the study of the names of these writings provides a new path for the researcher to read and explore the intellectual history and different movements in Islamic society, some of which, even to date determine the belief foundations of Islamic denominations and therefore it is important to recognize them from different aspects. This research relies on written resources focused on theological rebuttal writings of Shi’a sects based on the earlier lists i.e. Rijal al-Najashi, Tusi, and Kitāb al-Fihrist of Nadim. Quantification of the information in rebuttal writings, extra-religious, extra-sectious, and intra-sectious typology, and their frequency measurement are the effective tools of this research, which can be used to measure the types of conflicts governing Islamic society. The results show that most of the rebuttal writers are Imami and rebuttal writings in the extra-religious field have not been considered by theologians. In extra-religious rebuttal writings, the Mu’tazilis have been subject to criticism the most and in intra-religious ones the Ghulāt, and then the W’aqifis and different Imami movements. The number of rebuttal writings of all types have been the most in the third century, indicating a susceptible sociopolitical context in the intellectual debates between different sects and the formation of critical literature among them. In the 4th century, despite the decline of production of rebuttal writings, the number of extra-religious ones has not changed and there is even a rise in the number of rebuttal writings on Mu’tazilis. This shows that the decline of the Golden Age of the Mu’tazila did not diminish the reflection of their thoughts and beliefs in Islamic society until a long time later, and Imami regional theologians continued to reject and critique their faith. The issue of Imamate is central to these rebuttal writings.