Educação: Teoria e Prática (Jan 2012)
Theoretical reflections on the construction of pedagogical content knowledge of prospective teachers
The pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is used by the teacher to transform his/her knowledge about the content in knowledge comprehensible and teachable forstudents. For the construction of PCK, literature indicates that prospective teachers should come across to issues inherent to carrying out teaching since their entrance in pre-service formation, and not only during the curricular training. In view of the above, this essay is aimed at reflecting on the relationship between the contexts of preservice formation and teacher practice in the Basic Education, as well as possible reflections of the experiences of pedagogical practices in the curricular training for prospective teachers and to build their PCK. Consulted literature suggests that: the context of formation needs to permeate and be permeated by social and educational contexts which surround the courses, with the relation between initial formation and Basic Education being ruled by harmony, complementarity, and reciprocity; the participation of pedagogical practices in the construction of PCK allows prospective teachers to get to the curricular training in better conditions to take responsibilities inherent to this stage of their teaching formation; and even though literature does not make strategies evident for the implementation of pedagogical practices, it has been increasing the consensus that they need to be distributed horizontally in courses of formation of prospective teachers.