Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (Jul 2021)

Managerial competences of researchers from Nursing research groups

  • Greici Capellari Fabrizzio,
  • Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann,
  • José Luís Guedes dos Santos,
  • Susana Cararo Confortin,
  • Ana Lúcia Schaefer Ferreira de Mello,
  • Aida Maris Peres

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 29


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Objective: to analyze the managerial competences of researchers from research groups linked to a Graduate Program in Nursing. Method: a cross-sectional study with researchers from Nursing research groups, which analyzed the managerial competences by means of a Scale of Managerial Competences in Research Groups containing 50 items related to people management and research results (Factor 1) and resource provisioning and people management (Factor 2), with answers 4 and 5 considered as sufficient dexterity for each competence analyzed. For data analysis, logistic regression was used. Results: of the 219 participants evaluated, the prevalence was 48.86% of sufficient dexterity for factor 1 and 32.88% of sufficient dexterity for factor 2; with 41.21% of sufficient dexterity for Managerial Competences in research groups. A significant difference was identified in the proportions of the managerial competences for schooling, age group and performance in the group (p≤0.001). There were differences in mean age, time of experience with research and participation in the research group (p≤0.001), between the participants with sufficient and insufficient dexterity for the managerial competences. Conclusion: the results obtained in this study emphasize the potential of the research groups for the development of managerial competences of Nursing researchers, especially for people management.
