Amazônia (Dec 2022)
Analysis of the guiding documents for science teaching on electromagnetic radiation
This article presents the state of the art on how the topic of radiation is approached in Elementary School II (EF II), aiming to verify how the guiding documents of basic education (LDB, PCN and BNCC) approach the subject of electromagnetic radiation in science teaching in this educational stage, as suggested by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at the Bonn Call-for-Action Conference. Its development followed the steps of systematic methodology: systematically reviewing, identifying, selecting and critically evaluating primary studies related to the research topic (ROEVER, 2017). The obtained data revealed that there were significant advances related to the issue of radiation, when analyzing what guided the PCN and what, today, guides the BNCC. It has been verified that the theme was inserted in the BNCC, but in a veiled way, and there is no interconnection between the thematic units and the objects of knowledge. We conclude that the EF II guiding documents, with regard to electromagnetic radiation, do not include actions that aim to encourage students to obtain basic knowledge about radiation, as suggested by the IAEA.