Cadernos de Tradução (May 2018)
CARDOSO, Lúcio. Chronicle of the murdered house. Tradução de Margaret Jull Costa e Robin Patterson. Rochester: Open Letter Literary Translations, 2016, 592 p.
In 2016, almost sixty years after its first edition in 1959 by José Olympio publishing house, Lúcio Cardoso’s Crônica da casa assassinada was finally made available in English (Chronicle of the murdered house), as the edition’s back cover emphatically announces. Three short paragraphs describe the subject of the novella and provide biographical information. The cover illustration is very simple but significant: its wine colored fabric features noble motifs that seem to be ripped at the corners. If we think of the progressive decadency of the Meneses family in the narrative, or even the elegant clothing worn by both Nina and Timóteo as a symbol of degradation, a relationship can be established.