Journal of Natural Science and Integration (May 2021)

Pengembangan Modul IPBA Materi Sistem Bumi-Bulan Berbasis Integrasi Sains-Islam

  • Dinar Maftukh Fajar,
  • Muhammad Habibbulloh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 1
pp. 126 – 140


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This paper aims to describe the development of the IPBA module on the Earth-Moon System material based on science-Islam integration for preservice science teachers in PTKI. The development procedure is carried out by adopting the 4 D model (define, design, develop, dan diseminate) by Thiagarajan in which stage disseminate was not executed. The study involved 87 preservice science teachers in one of the PTKI. This research produces the following instructional module indicators: by analyzing the kauniyah verses and authentic hadith, students are able to (1) provide factual and actual information about the condition of the Moon as Earth's satellite; (2) analyze the relative motion of the Moon and its phases; (3) describe the Sideral and Synodic periods; (4) analyze the construction of the lunar calendar system and the hisab-rukyat mechanism; and (5) analyze the occurrence of eclipses. The uniqueness of the module is shown in the tadabbur corner which explains models of science-Islam integration for each indicator, whether they are inspirational, confirmatory, or empirical dogma. This module has been assessed as very valid from the material aspect, valid from the media aspect, and very good from user responses. Keywords: the earth and space science module, earth-moon system, science-islam integration, preservice science teacher ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengembangan modul IPBA materi Sistem Bumi-Bulan berbasis integrasi Sains-Islam bagi calon guru IPA di PTKI. Prosedur pengembangan dijalankan dengan mengadopsi model 4 D (define, design, develop, dan disseminate) oleh Thiagarajan di mana tahap disseminate tidak dijalankan. Subjek pengembangan melibatkan 87 mahasiswa calon guru IPA di salah satu PTKI. Studi ini telah menghasilkan indikator modul ajar sebagai berikut: dengan menelaah ayat-ayat kauniyah dan hadits-hadits yang shahih, mahasiswa mampu (1) mengemukakan informasi-informasi faktual dan aktual tentang keadaan Bulan sebagai satelit Bumi; (2) menganalisis gerakan relatif Bulan dan fase-fase Bulan; (3) menjelaskan periode Sideral dan Periode Sinodik; (4) menganalisis konstruksi sistem kalender Bulan dan mekanisme hisab-rukyat; dan (5) mampu menganalisis terjadinya gerhana. Keunikan modul ditunjukkan melalui pojok tadabbur yang menerangkan model integrasi sains-Islam pada masing-masing indikator, baik yang bersifat inspirasi, konfirmasi, dan dogma empiris. Modul ini telah dinilai sangat valid dari aspek materi, valid dari aspek media, dan sangat baik dari respons pengguna. Kata kunci: modul IPBA, sistem Bumi-Bulan, integrasi sains-Islam, calon guru IPA