Vojnotehnički Glasnik (May 2004)

Logistička podrška logističkim operacijama / Logistic support of logistic operations

  • Marko Andrejić ,
  • Nebojša Nikolić ,
  • Dejan Stojković

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 52, no. 3-4
pp. 275 – 285


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U radu se razmatra logistička operacija i njena logistička podrška. Pored klasičnog pristupa operacijama, uvode se i određene novine. Obrađuju se bitna obeležja logističkih operacija, ističu funkcije i zadaci logističke podrške preporuke za kvalitetnu logističku podršku i njeni principi. Obrađuje se i naglašava značaj planiranja i upravljanja logističkom podrškom logističkim operacijama, i ukazuje na smer usavršavanja logističke podrške. Logistički sistem i operacija razmatraju se kroz čitav životni ciklus, a logistička podrška sa različitih aspekata. Naglašava se postupnost u rešavanju problema, primenjuje hijerarhijsko dekomponovanje, klasifikacija činjenica i ističu težišta i prioriteti. / The paper treats logistic operation and its logistic support Certain new moments are introduced into the classical approach to logistic operations Besides the fundamental characteristics of logistic operations, the paper gives logistic support functions and tasks as well as its principles and recommendations for rising its quality. The importance of planning and managing logistic support of logistic operations is stressed, with the accent on tendencies in its improvement. Logistic systems and operations are followed through their life cycles while logistic support is treated from different aspects. Hierarchical decomposition and data classification are applied. Successivity in problem solving is pointed out as well as main points and priorities.
