Pizhūhish/hā-yi rahbarī va mudīriyyat-i āmūzishī (Aug 2015)
A Study of The Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment of Human Resources and Organizational Agility
The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between Psychological empowerment of human resources and organizational agility from the viewpoint of Shiraz university staff. Statistical population of this study was all Shiraz university staff that by multistage cluster sampling, 303 staff selected. The instruments of this study included Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (spritzer,1995) and Organizational Agility Questionnaire (nikpoor and salajegheh,1388) that after calculating validity and reliability and distribution them, data analyzed by one sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and the multivariate regression. One-sample t-test results showed that psychological empowerment of employees and organizational agility of university are higher than average level. The correlation results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the psychological empowerment and its’ dimensions and organizational agility in P≤01 level. The regression results showed that psychological empowerment is a significant anticipant of organizational agility and through its dimensions, three dimensions of meaningfulness, choice, being efficiency anticipate 51 percent of the variance of organizational agility.