Tropicultura (Jan 2001)
Viabilité des bovins de race Borgou à la Ferme Elevage de l'Okpara au Bénin
Viability of Borgou Breed Cattle at Okpara Breeding Farm in Benin. The study of viability of Borgou breed cattle has been realized from 1994 to 1997 at Okpara breeding farm in Benin on an average of 2578 ± 244 cattles. The overall mortality rate was 1.24 + 0.46 %, those of adults and calves were respectively 0.56 ± 0.04 % and 2.51 ± 0.24 %. The highest mortality rates were recorded in February-March, August-September, and December. Mortality varies from one year to another, the calves were being more affected. The principal causes of mortality were : trypanomiasis, foot and mouth disease, pasteurellosis, diarrhea of various origins.