Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte ale Educatiei (Nov 2009)
Through this study we intended to tackle empathy as a multidimensional construct and to confirm its influence on man’s creativity. The analysis of the empathy’s conceptual approaches enables to define empathy as a psychic phenomenon, a psychic process, a psychic product and a psychic trait. The relation between empathy and creativity is the following: each of these two psychic phenomena has a predisposition potential representing a necessary basis (with a hereditary programme) on which the future empathic or creative behaviour is built. In displaying these two psychic traits there is a different affective-cognitive ratio; creativity as well as empathy are considered traits, features of the personality; both phenomena display themselves as a process; both processes end with a different product; they relate with the intelligence, the motivation, the affectivity and the aggressiveness; both phenomena can be trained. This parallel confirms the idea that these two traits interact with each other; empathy contributes to the creative performance in many fields of activity, but creativity supports the display of empathic abilities at the capacity level.