Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (Apr 2022)
Volcanism‐Triggered Climatic Control on Late Cretaceous Oceans
Abstract During the Late Cretaceous, Earth's climate oscillated between warm and cool states, and global oceans changed between anoxic and oxic conditions, resulting in black/gray shales and oceanic red beds (ORBs) deposition, respectively. To understand such climate/ocean dynamics, this study investigated bulk Hg and Hg isotopes, as well as Fe3+/Fe2+ in Upper Cretaceous sediments deposited in southern Tibet and the North Atlantic. In both areas, black/gray shales show much higher Hg concentrations than ORBs, indicating enhanced Hg flux to global oceans during time of black/gray shale deposition. Black/gray shales show lower Fe3+/Fe2+ and positive Δ199Hg, suggesting a significant input of Hg into the anoxic/dysoxic ocean via atmospheric deposition. The isotope values are consistent with a volcanic source for this excess Hg. ORBs show high Fe3+/Fe2+ and negative shifts of Δ199Hg, suggesting that the dominant source of Hg into the oxic oceans was via terrestrial runoff. This study suggests that volcanism was an important driver of the climate/ocean dynamics during the Late Cretaceous.